Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sister Kelly Does NOT Email in the Library

Sister Kelly's parents received an email from her yesterday, Monday, September 1, 2014, on Labor Day. The local library was closed. No emailing in the library for Sister Kelly this week. Her iPad was acting up and she did not have time to send a post or photos. 

In order for this to not seem like a Christmas Letter where nobody knows who is writing the script, I will make my presence known so that there is no confusion as to who is submitting this week's post. It is Elizabeth's mother. Me, the (full-on) blogger. 

A wonderful experience happened to our family and Sister Kelly last week. Last Wednesday, August 27, 2014, Elizabeth's dear friend, Avery Anapol from Shorewood made the trek by metro to see her at the Washington, DC Temple's Visitor Center. Many thanks to a member in Elizabeth's ward, Sister McCoy, who picked Avery up at the metro station, took her to the visitor's center and then took everyone to dinner in Bethesda, MD. Avery is a sophomore at George Washington University and she basically took "planes, trains and automobiles," to see Elizabeth. I had no idea these two had made plans to meet. 

I was very surprised to hear from Avery and delighted to get a full report of her take on the Visitor Center and of Elizabeth. Avery shared something; and, her words are ones I will never forget. Avery expressed that she always knew Elizabeth was Mormon. Avery said, "Everyone knew she was Mormon. But watching her in action at the Visitor's Center made me realize that her religion is something that means a lot to her." Simple and beautiful. I had never put those words and thoughts together before. Serving a mission for your church shows how much your beliefs really matter to you. 

Heartfelt. Insightful. I get emotional every time I think about or share with someone the words she said. Avery, your perception of that experience with Elizabeth will stay with me forever. Thank you. You hold a special place in my heart for taking the time to see our Sister Kelly.

Avery at the Washington, DC Temple Grounds.
Shorewood Shines...

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